About Me

I am currently a Ph.D student at the Department of Electronic Engineering in Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. I have received the B.E. degree from the Electronic Engineering Department of Tsinghua University in July 2020. My current research mainly focuses on high-precision processing of new generation GNSS signals.


  • 2023.9: I give a presentatin about “Accelerated SF-PPP Convergence of BDS-3 B1 Band by Wideband Signal Observations” at ION GNSS+ 2023 and receive the Best Presentation Award.
  • 2020.9: I am working torwards the Ph.D. degree with best efforts.
  • 2020.6: I receive the B.E. degree from the Electronic Engineering Department of Tsinghua University.
  • 2019.9: I join the PNT Research Center, Tsinghua University. The research mainly focused on Composite wideband navigation signal processing based on Software Defined Radio.
  • 2019.9: I sucessfully received the offer of Ph.D students from Tsinghua.

Education Experience




  • First-class Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award of Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, 2023
  • Second-class Comprehensive Merit Scholarship of Tsinghua University, 2023
  • Best presentation award from ION GNSS+, 2023
  • First-class Comprehensive Merit Scholarship of Tsinghua University, 2022
  • Outstanding student cadres of Tsinghua University, 2019
  • Social Work Merit Scholarship of Tsinghua University, 2018, 2019
  • Social Practice Merit Scholarship of Tsinghua University, 2017
  • Academic Merit Scholarship of Tsinghua University, 2017
  • Sports Merit Scholarship of Tsinghua University, 2017
  • Comprehensive Merit Scholarship of Tsinghua University, 2017