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Future Blog Post

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Blog Post number 4

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This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.

Blog Post number 3

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This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.

Blog Post number 2

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This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.

Blog Post number 1

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This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.



General design methodology of code multi‐correlator discriminator for GNSS multipath mitigation

Yunhan Qi, Zheng Yao, Mingquan Lu, IET Radar Sonar and Navigation, 2021

In this paper, a general design methodology for designing code MCD structures based on heuristic optimisation for multi‐path mitigation is proposed. The proposed method can specifically design code MCD structures for signals with various modulations and receivers with different bandwidths, indicating the adaptability of the proposed method. Multi‐path mitigation performances of such designed structures are better than those of traditional code discriminator structures with strong tracking robustness and slight degradation of thermal noise performance. Designed code MCD structures are also insensitive to multi‐path relative amplitudes and bandwidths of receivers, ensuring the practicality of the designed code MCD structures.

Full Paper Download Link: here

Robust Unambiguous Ranging Technique for BDS-3 B1 Wideband Composite Signals

Yunhan Qi, Zheng Yao, Yang Gao, Mingquan Lu, GPS Solutions, 2022

This paper proposes a robust unambiguous ranging technique, which utilizes an ambiguity model established by observations derived from CAT to resolve ambiguous ranging results. Simulation experiments are implemented to quantitatively evaluate the proposed method’s performance and explore its effective ranges. Real data experiments are also implemented in static and dynamic cases to furtherly verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, exhibiting that the proposed method can take full advantage of the high-precision ranging potential contained in BDS-3 B1 wideband composite signals with less ambiguity threats.

Full Paper Download Link: here

General Design Method for Two-dimensional Multi-correlator Anti-multipath Tracking Loop for BOC Signals

Yunhan Qi, Zheng Yao, Mingquan Lu, IEEE Transcations on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2022

This paper proposes a general design method for two-dimensional multi-correlator anti-multipath tracking (TMAT) structures based on heuristic optimization. Compared with 2-D tracking loops equipped with traditional anti-multipath structures, such as narrow early minus late (NEML) and double delta (DD) structures, TMAT structures designed for different signals with different bandwidths always have better multipath mitigation performance without any degradation of tracking robustness. According to case studies, because of the great anti-multipath improvement of TMAT structures, the slight degradation in thermal noise performance can be acceptable. Also, the designed TMAT structures are insensitive to relative amplitude of multipath and bandwidth of signals, indicating the great practicality of this technique.

Full Paper Download Link: here

Accelerated SF-PPP Convergence of BDS-3 B1 Band by Widieband Observations

Yunhan Qi, Zheng Yao, Mingquan Lu, ION GNSS+, 2023

This paper introduces the B1 wideband signal observations into B1 SF-PPP for the first time. By establishing B1 SF-PPP model with three types of B1 wideband signal observations, real data experiments successfully demonstrate that the B1 wideband signal observations not only have better thermal noise and anti-multipath performances, but also can further accelerate B1 SF-PPP convergence, thus providing a faster SF-PPP solution for BDS-3 B1 band.

Carrier Assisted Robust Unambiguous Positioning Technique for Subcarrier Modulated Signals in GNSS

Yunhan Qi, Zheng Yao, Mingquan Lu, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technique, 2023

Various subcarrier modulations bring wider Gabor bandwidths and higher-precision ranging and positioning potential to the new generation of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signals. However, they may also introduce intolerable ambiguity problems for signal tracking, ranging, and positioning. In order to take advantage of high-precision subcarriers in subcarrier modulated signals for unambiguous ranging and positioning, we propose a Carrier Assisted Robust Unambiguous Positioning Technique (CARUPT), which consists of a Carrier Assisted Kalman filter (CA-Kalman) module and an Observation Cycle-slip Detection (OCD) module. The CA-Kalman module utilizes the undifferenced code and subcarrier observations and time-differenced carrier observations derived from two-dimensional tracking to resolve subcarrier ambiguities in the position domain. The OCD module includes a carrier-involved Subcarrier Cycle-slip Detector (SCD) and a high-order difference-based Carrier Cycle-slip Detector (CCD) so as to avoid the impact of subcarrier and carrier cycle slips on the robust resolution of subcarrier ambiguities. In this paper, performances in theory, simulation, and real data experiments comprehensively demonstrate that compared with existing techniques, the CARUPT can resolve subcarrier ambiguities with faster convergence speed, higher accuracy, and robustness, deriving the most reliable unambiguous positioning results.

Full Paper Download Link: here



Teaching experience 1

Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014

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Teaching experience 2

Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015

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